Getting into a married life is excellent, but starting it with a heavy debt is never a good idea. Saving money is better than spending a lot on your marriage. It is crucial especially when you are in your twenties. Here it doesn’t mean that you have to make a lot of compromises. Using some ways can help you make your wedding a unique event if not a lavish one. Here are some ways for your help:
Keep your guest list short
The more guests you invite, the more you have to spend on meals, cocktails, seating arrangements, and allied things. Limiting wedding lists is the hardest task but you have to do it. Think a lot and recall how many times you have been invited and who invites you frequently. Apart from your family members and relatives, include the names of people you are very close to or you can’t stop yourself from sending invitations. Avoid inviting all known persons.
Choose the venue wisely
Choosing a reception hall or booking a restaurant/hotel for your marriage ceremony can be highly expensive for you. Instead of booking a commercial wedding hall or hotel, selecting your residence or a park as a venue for your marriage ceremony will be better and inexpensive. You can save a huge amount here.
Opt for self decoration
Hiring a wedding planner for your marriage and letting them to execute all the tasks can break your wallet hugely. Decide to decorate yourself by using easily available resources. In the venue decoration, think about using custom stickers and labels. To greet your invitees, you can consider installing a welcome wedding sign and use custom stickers to direct your guests on marriage events with the scheduled time. You can use labels for seating arrangements too.
Hire your own caterer
If you book a wedding hall, avoid hiring all their services to save costs on your marriage ceremony. Book a caterer you know well. Hiring such a caterer can cost you lower in comparison with one of commercial reception halls or hotels. Apart from cost saving, you will be sure about the quality of food items that you will be serving to your guests.
Prepare reception menu wisely
No celebration is without foods and beverages. You should be very careful in the preparation of your wedding menu. Instead of having so many items on guests’ plates, focus on what are essential and what foods are served in normal weddings. Limiting food items without any compromise in quality will be beneficial for you.
Think about playing your own music system instead of a DJ
There are a few songs that are played in marriages. You can make a list of those songs. Also, you can add a few of your favourite songs to the list. Take your music system to your wedding venue and start playing them with your list of songs. With this, you can save 3-5 hundred dollars in your marriage expenses.
Think highlighting foods and beverages with custom labels
Typically, people face difficulties in finding food items or beverages they want to eat or drink. Sometimes they leave taking a particular item because they have no idea what it is and for whom. With personalized labels, like custom labels for wine bottles, you can easily hint people that a particular item is for them without uttering a single word.
Request your guests for help instead of wedding gifts
It is sure that you will know every one of your friends and relatives. Some of them have exceptional talent in different things, like decoration and photography. You can request them to do a favour and do the work in which they are skilled, as a wedding gift for you. With such a request, you can be successful in having a wedding at a lower budget.
Buy dresses and jewellery in advance
Usually, the prices of wedding jewellery and dresses go up in the season due to a high rise in the demand. To save costs in your marriage, start shopping things earlier. Suppose that you are getting married in March. Do your purchases 3-4 months earlier. With this, there is a high possibility of paying less.
Plan to have a simple honeymoon
Saving money is essential for the upcoming life. So, you should avoid planning your honeymoon abroad or lavish places. You can choose a local city or place where you haven’t gone before and things are within your pocket.
Having control over wedding expenses is in your hand. To get married with a lower investment, you need to plan your marriage yourself and avoid hiring a wedding planner. Taking every possible effort, from writing a paper limiting guest lists to having a simple honeymoon, can help you a lot in getting married on a budget without a heavy burden on your wallet.